
Alejandro Rosales

Trying to be the person his dogs thought he was

Some Intro Stuff

My name is Alejandro Rosales and I coded this website from scratch. It's not much, but it's honest work. I have a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science with a minor in Philosophy and concentration in Statistics. I am working on my Masters of Science in Computer Science, with a research focus on quantum machine learning. My strongest skills are using abstract and deductive thinking, creativity, and inviting the skills and expertise of others.

I love learning new things and pursing a deeper understanding of anything and everything. I also have a lot of fun problem solving and being creative, so naturally, I enjoy optimizing and building new things; things generally, technology especially. For example, computer programs I enjoyed building in my free time include, but of course are not limited to, machine learning programs, mobile apps, AWS cloud based programs, encryption programs, classical AI programs, stock trading algorithms, simulations, and websites! You can view the code for those programs on my GitHub (https://github.com/AlejandroJRosales).

If you are interested in the research and work I am currently doing both as a graduate student and in my free time, feel free to view that on my Research and Work page.

Some Cool Stuff

This website I built is dedicated to both PK (Puppy-Kitty), pictured with one of his favorite toys, and Lucy, pictured at one of her favorite spots. They were my best boy and best girl and forever favorite chapters in my life.

pk lucy

I enjoy supporting and sharing the work of passionate people as well. So, to continue with that theme and the theme of cool, please go checkout the amazing work of my girlfriend Hannah over on her website:

Hannah's Hub (https://sites.google.com/view/hannahs-hub/)

My favorite quote is, "Try to be the person your dog thinks you are." Two other quotes I like are, "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought them back." As well as, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Uh, what else am I forgetting for these ice breakers, oh yeah! Lastly, my hobbies are playing the piano, cello, chess, sports, and learning about random stuff! Oh, and I can't wink, for whatever reason.

Some Contact Stuff

Like chess? Send me a virutal game request on chess.com (you will probably win):

computron01 (https://www.chess.com/member/computron01)

Have some thoughts, comments, concerns, notions, decrees, philosophies or choice words to share with me?

Contact me at:
